Why do some people enjoy burning shoes?

High heels on fire.

Brennende Schuhe und Stiefel.

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Shoe Torcher
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Why do some people enjoy burning shoes?

Post by Shoe Torcher »

I have been turned on to burning shoes for as long as I can remember. Even as a young child, before I had ever witnessed a shoe burning, I thought about it and tried to invision it as I masturbated. I am in my 40's now and still enjoy burning shoes. What happens in a childs life that creates this desire? It is some sort of trauma that somehow envolved shoes and fire?

Post by Guest »

I still don't know what turned me onto the thought of shoes, nevermind burning them! I'll have to get back to you on that one.
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Post by love_prada_and_gucci »

Maybe I have a theory about this :

When we was a child, we saw thing that impress us and give us satisfaction (in many ways) and later, we want to reproduce that, because you enjoy that.

It's why now, we continue to enjoy that.

LP&G (Love_Prada_And_Gucci)

Why I like burning boots

Post by Guest »

No idea really, but my first experience with burning boots myself was at Scout camp when I was a lot younger - we were supposed to be cooking over an open fire but the Scout Master wasn't looking and I was wearing a pair of wellys :twisted:
We had an old wire shopping basket over the flames to stop us actually putting anything in the fire itself, but heat rises and the soles of my boots got a little bit melty. :shock:
The heat through the rubber felt nice, so I decided to do it again some time.

It ended up being quite a few years, but I had a nice pair of lace-up knee-high boots with 1" soles and 3" 'square' heels for a few months. They met their end after a close encounter with a candle - the heel of the right boot burnt quite well, so I decided to see how well the toes of the left boot would do.
Well, the sole wasn't too bad but the flames didn't stay in one place, and ended up curling up over the toes of the boot. They were made from that funny plastic stuff that looks almost like leather when you cut it open, but with a waxy-looking finish; the heat wasn't too bad to begin with, but then it suddenly began to hurt my little toe so I had to dunk them very quickly into the handy bucket of water I had prepared earlier (NEVER play with fire without some way of putting it out again!)

Unfortunately I live in a built-up area and I now do 9-to-5 instead of shiftwork, so I can't do this sort of thing for real but I still remember the way the boots felt as the flames licked over them, and I would really love to do it again some time soon.

One thing I have discovered is that, although it's not quite the same, you can get almost the same sensations by standing in a bath of hot water or by pouring a kettle of hot water over your boots. I prefer the bath cos you get the pressure of the water against your boots as well.

What I'd like to do is get a shop-sized chip fryer - fill it with water instead of cooking fat and stand in that for a while...

One final thing - the hot water in the bath will soak through most boots, either through the stuff they're made of or - more likely - through the seams; remember that hot water can burn as easily as fire so be careful if you try that way...


Post by MagicShoes »

I think it's a final humiliation thing-after the shoes are worn/enjoyed/abused, they have to be destroyed, and fire, or cutting them up are two ways-like The Who or Garth Brooks smashing guitars.
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Post by Puddleboy »

I like it because it's fun. It's also cool to stomp out the ashes and view the remaining bits and pieces that didn't burn.

..... pb


Post by guest »

...I never knew why, tho it started at an early age for me. Womens shoes near an open fire was always so sexy! Not neccessarily burned to ashes, rather lovingly singed or melted... When I would go camping w/ a girlfriend, I would always manage to light the bottom of her shoe when she wasn't looking... The higher the heel (or wedge) the better! 'Never outgrew nor can seem to get enough of that. Tho I've never been into any of that food & mud stuff. So please keep the "pedal to the metal" as long as it's (red) hot! :wink:
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