Psyberia's site

Any type of shoe abuse. Broken heels, well worn shoes, scuffed shoes, torn shoes, shoes run over by cars, shoes dragged on the ground, crinkled pointy toes, shoes sawed in half, shoes run over by cars, lost shoes, shoe trees, trample, crush, etc. Any other discussion or photos having to do with shoes, boots or other footwear, abused or not, is welcome.

Alle Arten von Schuh-Missbrauch. Abgebrochene Absätze, sehr getragene, abgenutzte, verschlissene, zerissene, überfahrene Schuhe. Schuhe über den Boden gerschliffen, zerknitterte Schuhspitzen, zersägte, plattgetretene, zerquetschte Schuhe, verlorene Schuhe, Schuhbäume etc. Jede andere Diskussion oder Fotos im Zusammenhang mit Schuhen oder Stiefeln oder andere Arten von Schuhen, missbraucht oder nicht, ist willkommen.

Moderators: Heelexploder, josephine, Alexainheels, minni, Cammile, Wetshoegirl, ambershotheels


Post by muddyblueboots »

yeah well bigj's sites were never up to much dan so you shouldnt have joined in the first place
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Oh well,

Post by Dan »

I don't voice an opinions about anyones site, if it is no good I just won't go back and believe that probably goes for most. The only thing that will get me to dump a site in a heart beat is men wearing womens shoes in any case. But that is my thoughts.
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Post by cgrassham »

bigj3650 wrote:yeah but if you want to do fancy buttons you need to use gifs do you not hhds because i couldnt get a jpeg to do transparancy (s.p) only gifs.

You can't make jpgs transparent.

check this out -

go onto the HTML version, the buttons on there are gifs. Gifs are great as they can be made to have a tiny filesize.
Shoes + deep sticky mud = :)
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Re: Sites

Post by psyberia »

Dan wrote:I had joined SHHA and just recently quit since they are not doing anything and will drop psyberias site too if no activity soon. There is plenty of good sites for me to happily view. I am much too busy with work and home life to post pics but did a lot of posting in the old waspg site that Walt had. Everyone should do it for their selves and people will seek your sites. Just hope more sites are being considered. If I see a good site I may consider posting pics that I still take of abusing shoes.

Boy, did this thread end up going in a weird direction! Dan- you're going to "drop" my site? It's not like it's a pay site or anything, I intend it to be free, and since it's not offically up anyway, what exactly are you going to "drop"? I've posted preview pictures here to show everyone what's coming- those are free also. So, even if I don't get the site up, you've still got more pics then you did before, so why are you complaining?

I agree with Wetshoe- If you've 30 pics, put up a site! Ya gotta start somewhere. You can also put pictures on webshots pretty easily. If you've got pics, why not share them? If others don't like the pics (guys wearing heels or whatever) they don't have to download them. Personally, I don't care for pics of burning or destroying heels (they're my favorite thing!), but I do understand how heel destruction can be exciting to people. I may not care for the pics, but I do appreciate the effort that went into making them and sharing them with others.

So what's up with all the hostility?

I started another thread explaining what's up with my site and posted more preview pics, take a look :D
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