Mess up some Osiris for me?

Wet and messy sneakers and any other sneaker abuse. You're also welcome to post just regular photos of sneakers here, abused or not.

Nasse und schmutzige Sportschuhe und jegliche Art von Sportschuh-Missbrauch. Auch gerne Bilder unversehrter Sportschuhe.

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Mess up some Osiris for me?

Post by WAMisfun »

Hey all! I'm looking for a woman who would be interested in messing up a brand new pair of Osiris I just ordered! They are size 11 1/2 and just asking to get muddy. Let me know if you would be interested and what you would do with them! :D
These are the shoes and yes that is fur lining
These are the shoes and yes that is fur lining
mvCm6-bjaaj5oVzTdY63HPQ.jpg (7.88 KiB) Viewed 3913 times
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