Soaked Suede Pumps

Boots and shoes getting wet, muddy or messy in various ways. Ladies, want to show off your beautiful shoes? Nowhere in the world will they be appreciated more! Registering will enable many helpful features, and its free.

Stiefel und Schuhe werden auf unterschiedliche Art und Weise nass, matschig und schmutzig gemacht. Ladies, möchtet ihr eure schönen Schuhe zeigen? Nirgendwo auf der Welt werden sie mehr geschätzt als hier. Registriert euch kostenlos und aktiviert viele hilfreiche Funktionen.

Moderators: Heelexploder, josephine, Alexainheels, minni, Cammile, Wetshoegirl, ambershotheels

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Soaked Suede Pumps

Post by Holls94 »

Hi all,

Came back from a night-out with my gals a few days back and I decided to wear my size 6 black suede court pumps that night. Upon the next day I noticed the soles were horribly sticky when I wore them for work the next day so, later when I got back in I thought to give them a nice quick dip/wash 😊. They dried up rather nicely than I expected as I'll be able to wear them for work tomorrow now lol.
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Re: Soaked Suede Pumps

Post by Lazlo »

You are awesome! Sexy pumps. Love seeing them soaked while modeled.
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Re: Soaked Suede Pumps


Lovely. Got to enjoy some soaked pumps. The feeling of water on your feet and shoes were a good feeling I bet
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Re: Soaked Suede Pumps

Post by Wamshoes »

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