video idea

Boots and shoes getting wet, muddy or messy in various ways. Ladies, want to show off your beautiful shoes? Nowhere in the world will they be appreciated more! Registering will enable many helpful features, and its free.

Stiefel und Schuhe werden auf unterschiedliche Art und Weise nass, matschig und schmutzig gemacht. Ladies, möchtet ihr eure schönen Schuhe zeigen? Nirgendwo auf der Welt werden sie mehr geschätzt als hier. Registriert euch kostenlos und aktiviert viele hilfreiche Funktionen.

Moderators: Heelexploder, josephine, Alexainheels, minni, Cammile, Wetshoegirl, ambershotheels

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video idea

Post by tuggy24g »

Lisa is getting ready to go to a job interview and she is so excited that her application got her the interview. Lisa asked her friend Victoria what to wear and Victoria tells her she has the perfect outfit. So Victoria drops off the outfit a little late and Lisa is in a rush to finish getting ready. Lisa puts on the top and then her underwear. Finally Lisa takes out the skirt and start to put it on. Lisa realizes that the skirt is to small. So Lisa looks at the time and Lisa tells her self she has no choice but to just put on the tight skirt. Lisa pulls, tugs, and sucks in to finally get the tight skirt on. Lisa is now out of breath and is having a hard time breathing. Lisa is wondering how she is going to do a whole interview with this tight of a skirt and not being able to breath. Then Lisa goes to put some flats on. Then Lisa remember that a lot of the girls wear high heels. Lisa is scared since she does not know how to walk in high heels. So Lisa tells her self that everything will be okay. So Lisa pulls out the sexiest heels she owns. Now Lisa try to put on the heels, but the tight skirt is making it hard for her to do much. When Lisa bends over to grab the heels the skirt jabs her really hard in the stomach. It make her wince in pain. Lisa is like how am I going to do the interview? So after a few mins struggling to get the heels on she tries to take a step and stumbles. Lisa tries again and stumbles again. Lisa tries to calm her self down that everything will be okay. All the while short of breath since she has been sucking in her stomach. So Lisa does one final check and out the door she does. Still in pain from the skirt and stumbling in the heels Lisa finally makes it to her car. Now Lisa has to figure out how she is going to bend down to sit in her car. Finally Lisa just sucks in her stomach some more and now she can sit down. Once in the seat Lisa tries to take a deep breath, but the skirt pushes really tightly on her belly. So then Lisa has to just suck it in until she get the place for the interview. Once she gets to the place Lisa pulls her self out of the car and her foot slips out from under her. Lisa works her self back up and tries to walk to the door. The whole time sucking in and stumbling as she tries to walk in high heel. Lisa tells her self that she should of just stuck with the flats and then put high heel on after I got better at them. Lisa finally makes it to the door and opens it. Lisa stumbles in and then a person comes to her and ask if she is Lisa. Lisa replays yes it is me. So the person tells Lisa to fallow me and while fallowing her she stumbles and almost falls a few times. Also Lisa tries to breath in the tight skirt. The person tells Lisa here is where we will be doing the interview. The person tells Lisa that they will be right back and that she can get settled in right here. So Lisa tells her okay and the person walks away. Now Lisa is short of breath and getting a little dizzy. Lisa tries to sit down on the chair and can't go down to far since the skirt is not allowing her to and it is jabbing her to much in the stomach. So Lisa tries sucking in some more and it works. Now Lisa is not felling to well. Lisa has not gotten a good breath in quiet some time and she trying to stay focused. Then the person doing the interview comes back in. Lisa start to do the interview and Lisa decided to try to cross her legs. Lisa gets her leg up and realized that the skirt is way to tight to do that, but since her leg is up Lisa would look weird if she put it back down. So Lisa suck in really tightly and finally get it crossed. Lisa continue with the interview and now She is getting a headache. Lisa starts to loose focus a little, but still manages to finish the interview. Then Lisa struggles to get up and the person interviewing her looks at her funny. Then Lisa Shakes the person hand and stumbles in the heels. The Person asked Lisa if everything is okay and she tells the person yes and stumbles walking away. Lisa almost falls down walking away, but catches her self as she walks away. Then Lisa is short of breath and stop for a second. Then Lisa continues to her car and stumbles all the way back to her car and still dizzy with a headache as she can not breath in the tight skirt. Finally Lisa undoes her skirt and takes a few deep breaths. As Lisa takes the deep breaths she stumbles wearing the heels. She bends down and takes them off and tells her self that she will never ask her friend Victoria for help with her outfit choose again! Then Lisa gets into her car and drives away.
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Re: video idea

Post by Tempic »

Paragraphs are your friend.
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Dead Spikes
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Re: video idea

Post by Dead Spikes »

Tempic wrote:Paragraphs are your friend.
And punctuation doesn´t hurt too. :P

Earnestly such flood of words is very hard to read, especially when it´s not your native language. :(

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