How To Cause Girls To Get Their Shoes Wet In Real Life

Boots and shoes getting wet, muddy or messy in various ways. Ladies, want to show off your beautiful shoes? Nowhere in the world will they be appreciated more! Registering will enable many helpful features, and its free.

Stiefel und Schuhe werden auf unterschiedliche Art und Weise nass, matschig und schmutzig gemacht. Ladies, möchtet ihr eure schönen Schuhe zeigen? Nirgendwo auf der Welt werden sie mehr geschätzt als hier. Registriert euch kostenlos und aktiviert viele hilfreiche Funktionen.

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How To Cause Girls To Get Their Shoes Wet In Real Life

Post by Wetshoe »

These methods have been extensively tested and proven.
If you have methods of your own, please share.

Method #1 - Dress Code Misrepresentation
Invite girls to your friend's "cocktail party" when in reality its a drunken pool party.

Method #2 - Bait and Switch
Stand at the edge of a fountain facing away from drunk girl friends. Drunk girls will invariably try to push you in. Remember to leave your phone in the car in case this one backfires.

Method #3 - Careful Timing
Always check the long term weather forecast so you can schedule your dates for the highest wet shoe probability.

Method #4 - Intentional Omission of Material Fact
After deployment of Method #3, meet your date at a dressy restaurant, never mentioning that the second stop for the evening is a party in the woods. For insurance purposes, invite a group of mutual friends to also meet at the party so she can't change the plans. A variation of this method is to invite a girl to go clubbing with your friends and bring her to a foam party. The advantage of this variation is that your friends do not need to exist. Non existent friends escalates this method to outright lying, which is fine.

Method #5 - Location Location Location
After deployment of Method #3, choose from your mental list of restaurants located on easily flooded streets with no nearby parking.

Method #6 - Drunken Bets
Loser has to jump into that fountain and winner gets to videotape it and put it on the internet.

Method #7 - Bribing the Public for Free
I used to promote nightclubs and had wet t-shirt contests as often as possible. No hired dancers in t-shirts and fur boots. We offered prizes for every participant so the stage would be full of party goers in their dresses and heels. Amazing what drunk girls will do for a $100 gift certificate to Tourneau Corner :)

Method #8 - Parking Selection
Always park in the largest puddle available. Simple but effective.
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Re: How To Cause Girls To Get Their Shoes Wet In Real Life

Post by messylaura »

High tides, here in london uk there are certain roads that full flood during high tides, this also works as a place to go or meet at.
along with this a there are beer gardens in the flood zone too, a game of sit here and dont move, winner gets the next drinks for free.

buying a girlfriend a pair of shoes a half size too small and telling her to run them under the hot tap to soften them then wear them till they dry out has worked too.

fun fairs, last summer i took my current gf too a local funfair after it had rained, was very pleased with the turn out of many pretty shoes getting ankle deep in mud, most of the women gave up trying to stay dry and had fun, the ones that did stay dry proved great fun watching them avoid the mud

a once a year treat, halloween, get your girl to dress up as a zombie but make sure you have plenty of fake blood, as its water soluble it stays squelchy all night in shoes, once she knew it would wash out i had freedom to pour it where i wanted, a fake gash on her leg and a lot of blood sent loads into her shoe.

pavement fountains in the summer, take your girl to a fountain that people can walk straight into, like sommerset house or bristols millenium square, both uk, during a really hot day,
couple of past wet / muddy videos from me
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Re: How To Cause Girls To Get Their Shoes Wet In Real Life

Post by Wetshoe »

Great ideas! Would love to know the location of those beer gardens and roads.
Perhaps we should compile a worldwide list of exact wet shoe locations, including pavement fountains.

And I think as we add more ideas to this list, I will keep updating the above list with the top ten ideas.
Thanks MK and Goofball for their ideas.

Benjamins - (thanks MK)
this is probably the #1 Method to get anyone to do anything.

Party Plant - (thanks Goofball)
getting a girl in on it to convince the other girls to jump into the pool or other water
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Re: How To Cause Girls To Get Their Shoes Wet In Real Life

Post by Wetshoe »

Thanks again Goofball, for the suggestion that alcohol should be #2 on the list since almost all other methods are dependent :)
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Re: How To Cause Girls To Get Their Shoes Wet In Real Life

Post by Boots »

The drinking champagne out of a shoe is a classic that sometimes works... after a couple of glasses that is!
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Re: How To Cause Girls To Get Their Shoes Wet In Real Life

Post by Wetshoe »

Yes, I have seen that on Youtube. Just in regular videos taken in parties. And there are quite a few photos around too.
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Re: How To Cause Girls To Get Their Shoes Wet In Real Life

Post by DeepStuff »

Back in college I had a few tricks up my sleeve to get girls into muddy situations - and was quite successful. When living in the dorms, another residence hall was under construction one year. When coming back from the local bar, most people would take a shortcut back to the dorms through an opening in the fence accessing this construction site. One Friday, it had been raining all day and there must have been some heavy equipment moving around the construction site. I saw the site earlier in the day and it was a mess. That night at the bar, I ran into a group of girls we would hang with. The girls would usually dress up for the bar and most were wearing heels. A group of about 6 of us left and headed back to the dorm. There was only as slight drizzle at this point and when we approached the gap in the fence, I suggested we take the shortcut. As we walked, they began to catch on that it was much muddier than usual. It was heavily rutted from the equipment being moved earlier. At one point, the mud became like quicksand. I was looking around and got sight of all the shoes and boots being sucked in. One of the girls - Molly - grabbed me for balance. She was wearing nice heeled ankle boots and black dress pants. Looking down I watched as we sunk into the slop. I can still hear the groans of disgust as I write this...

On other occasions, I knew of an underpass which served as access to horse trails at a local park. The tunnel would usually be flooded and the dirt floor usually became a deep morass once horses would pass through. There were theaters and restaurants in the area and after dates, I would arrange to have a walk around the area leading us to the tunnel as the only way to get back to where we started. It was usually dark, so the girls couldn't see what they were getting into until it was too late. Many pairs of shoes and boots were ruined...
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