Another Muddy NYC Concert 2024

Boots and shoes getting wet, muddy or messy in various ways. Ladies, want to show off your beautiful shoes? Nowhere in the world will they be appreciated more! Registering will enable many helpful features, and its free.

Stiefel und Schuhe werden auf unterschiedliche Art und Weise nass, matschig und schmutzig gemacht. Ladies, möchtet ihr eure schönen Schuhe zeigen? Nirgendwo auf der Welt werden sie mehr geschätzt als hier. Registriert euch kostenlos und aktiviert viele hilfreiche Funktionen.

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Another Muddy NYC Concert 2024

Post by Mud_NYC »

Went to a concert in Central Park and it turned out to be quite a muddy experience. There was a steady drizzle of rain all day, which made the overall situation a bit wet, but the grass on the main field managed to stay firm for the event. It wasn't until later in the night at the end of the concert, did the mess reveal itself.

A narrow area that the entire crowd had to funnel into to get to the exit had turned into a mud pit. The mud here was not too deep but it provided enough of an obstacle that it was unavoidable, forcing everyone to have to trudge through it. The lead-up to the area was squishy grass, which then turned into thin wet mud, and finally an area that was deeper and created enough suction on peoples shoes that they had to struggle to walk in it.

The best part was watching all of the nicely dressed ladies reach this area to find this unexpected mess. Many were likely planning a night out after the concert, so they showed up in nice clothes and shoes, not planning to have to walk through mud. A decent amount of heels were also seen carefully making their way through. To a large degree most women were in sneakers. Its always a great sight to see a lady in fresh white sneakers carefully step into mud and sinking over the tops. There were a lot of ladies in dresses and skirts wearing knee boots.

The muddy area was in a dark section and could not easily be seen until you were already in it. It was great hearing the surprise exclamations of women as they took a step and found themselves sinking into a few inches of mud. Chances are this was the first time any of them had to ever walk through mud like this and the reactions of disgust were great. As the crowd got denser, there were lots of screams, loud "ewwwws" and "ughs". Lots crying out "mud!" and "its muddy!" Ladies held onto each other as they tried to plot their course through the slop, and it was delightful when they made an error and ended up in an even deeper spot.

Some pics of what was seen:
Leather pants were a nice sight.
Leather pants were a nice sight.
Careful steps in a wet spot.
Careful steps in a wet spot.
Some women dressed for a night out. These two have just entered the muddy area.
Some women dressed for a night out. These two have just entered the muddy area.
This lady with her friends were screaming in disgust as they walked through the mud.
This lady with her friends were screaming in disgust as they walked through the mud.
Lots of well dressed ladies getting their boots muddy.
Lots of well dressed ladies getting their boots muddy.
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Re: Another Muddy NYC Concert 2024

Post by Mud_NYC »

More pics
Nicely dressed group
Nicely dressed group
About to step in it
About to step in it
Plenty of heels
Plenty of heels
Making their way through
Making their way through
Groups trudging through together
Groups trudging through together
It was dark and the first step in was a shock
It was dark and the first step in was a shock
Right into it
Right into it
Trying to find a path through
Trying to find a path through
Fashionably dressed
Fashionably dressed
Trying to take long steps
Trying to take long steps
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Re: Another Muddy NYC Concert 2024

Post by messylaura »

i must be the only one that goes to muddy concerts in court shoes :)
couple of past wet / muddy videos from me
chuppa boots
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Re: Another Muddy NYC Concert 2024

Post by chuppa boots »

Amazing !! thanks a log for sharing those pictures :) What was the name of the concert ?
Any video taken as well as the last time ?
Anyway thanks for sharing this us this wonderful experience
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Re: Another Muddy NYC Concert 2024

Post by Wetshoe »

Nice, thanks! Perhaps we should attend the next one :)
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