The shower game

Boots and shoes getting wet, muddy or messy in various ways. Ladies, want to show off your beautiful shoes? Nowhere in the world will they be appreciated more! Registering will enable many helpful features, and its free.

Stiefel und Schuhe werden auf unterschiedliche Art und Weise nass, matschig und schmutzig gemacht. Ladies, möchtet ihr eure schönen Schuhe zeigen? Nirgendwo auf der Welt werden sie mehr geschätzt als hier. Registriert euch kostenlos und aktiviert viele hilfreiche Funktionen.

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The shower game

Post by Diogenes »

After my fun with the games Mistress I went to games every week although Spring had come and the muddy, boot flooding adventure of the winter were just a memory as things dried up. But I didn't realise how randy our excursions had made her

The next time I did games she pulled me to one side and said " You like being wet and muddy don't you? DON'T YOU?" " Yes" I said. "Right" she said, "I'm going onto ebay and I'm going to buy the sluttiest pair of high heel boots I can find, the type that have men coming in their pants when they see them - and I'm going to give them to you - but you have to earn them"

"What do I have to do?" I asked. " I will advance your boot fund £1 for every girl you can get to walk through the showers with clothes on - dare them all and lead the way, so next week - you shower in your knickers, make sure they're sodden so I don't have to!" "and then? "next week knickers and tight £2, the week after, knickers, tights and bra, £3 the week after knickers, tights, bra and shoes £4"

I was getting wet at the thought " But what then?" " You're 18, work it out"

It sounded great so the next week I dared some of the girls to shower in their knickers, they loved it and they also loved showering in their tights, wiping shower foam all over them and hosing it off. When they got out and put their wet feet into their shoes there were squelching noises and the girls wearing non-regulation tan shoes saw them start to go dark brown as their wet feet and tights soaked into their shoes. A few dropped out but about ten couldn't talk about anything else. They loved it because it felt so nice and because it was so naughty. I loved it too and couldn't wait for the next week where games was Friday afternoon and last lesson before half term

One girl didn't wear tights, she and her chum broke another rule by wearing boots, one had a pair of very scruffy cowboy boots and the other a pair of black, knee length high heel boots with zips and her grubby white socks sticking out of the tops. Every week when she took her boots off those socks were dirtier and stained where her sweaty feet had taken the black die out of the boots and the boots had white stains on the leather, probably from sweat because when her feet came out they really stank. A lot of girls had told her she was a filthy tart and to get some odor eaters, but she just giggled. Both girls had separately told me how much they loved putting their boots on with wet socks as it made them feel wet and slimey inside, and slippy on their feet

The cowgirl went into the showers first, the games mistress was watching as she ploughed into the shower and within seconds her boots were sagging and bulging as they filled up with water. I love this she said, pulled up her leg and a huge cascade poured out of her boot, then she did it with the other, several times. " Get out and sit with your feet up" the games teacher shouted at her " If you get them sodden inside the inner soles will get all wet and slimey and the heels will pull out and then you'll have no-heel boots - That goes for you too" she said as the girl in the black boots filled her boots, despite the water pouring out of the zippers, then she half undid the zips to make sure they were truly soaked

So the two girls sat with their feet up and the tops of their boots dripping, but it all cracked off as one of the girls took her high heel loafer off, filled it with water and used it to pour into the bra of another girl. In no time they were all doing it " I'll sort this" said the gym mistress and took her skirt and t shirt off to reveal she was wearing a one piece swimsuit and tights. She disappeared for a minutes and came back in a pair of tan suede pull on knee boots. She marched into the shower, her boots instantly going dark brown, and got stuck in, taking girls shoes out of their hands, filling them up, making them step into them and then pushing them out of the shower. Some of the girls used their shoes to fill her boots, but there was no need as they were now half way down her legs.

"Dry up and go home" she shouted and went into her room, I put my head round the door and she had her legs open and seemed to be having an enormous wank. As she came she gasped " You got your boots, but I'm slutting in them first"
chuppa boots
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Re: The shower game

Post by chuppa boots »

nice story :) it's always a pleasure to read you :)
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