Did you ever think that you were the only one?

High heels on fire.

Brennende Schuhe und Stiefel.

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Re: Did you ever think that you were the only one?

Post by DanskoJoe »

Not yet. I have been busy at work lately.
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Re: Did you ever think that you were the only one?

Post by burn2shoes »

I wonder how many men have had similar experiences with the stove and boots fighting the fire. A huge role here is played by the feeling of regret and simultaneous tension due to the fact that the shoes were irretrievably taken away by the fire. Today, as adults, we know that it is a fetish and a strong sexual arousal. It's an aphrodisiac. I wonder if there are also women who have experienced something like this.
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Re: Did you ever think that you were the only one?

Post by burn2shoes »

Fluxade wrote: Thu Dec 28, 2023 3:28 pm As a little child in the late sixties I watched my father burning my mothers high heel sandals in the boiler and because the sandals had been my favorite toys which I wasn't allowed to have anymore I felt regrett and a strange tension just as you describes it in your memories. My father and my grandfather burned lots of lady's shoes mainly high heels from my mother, my aunts and our neighbours and friends of my mother in the boiler and in open trash fires. In most cases I had the opportunity to play with the doomed shoes because they had been stored for a few days or weeks in the boiler room or in a large garbage bag. If it came to burning day or if my father walked down into the boiler room in the basement to feed the oven I tried to join the ceremony as often as I could just to feel this strange mixture of regret and tension watching the old heels hissing and sizzling and curling in the flames and ending into sweet smelling fume from burning leather.
Later I had a very intense and pictorial dream of a pair of silver open toe slingback high heels which had not been burnt yet but found their way into the coal crate in the boiler room. I had play with them in the afternoon and sheltered them from my father under the work bench. In my dream I saw the shoes right in the boiler fire curling and crying for help. I suddenly wok up finding my nightgown wet as hell. From that day on I feel sexual pleasure in watching lady's shoes burning. Now I'm almost 65 years old.
1-Has your father noticed that you like to watch burning shoes?
2-Did you ever later see a similar situation elsewhere where shoes were being burned?
3-Even though so many years have passed, would you be able to burn the modern shoes of modern women in an oven?
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Re: Did you ever think that you were the only one?

Post by Fluxade »

Of course he did.
Sometimes he forced me to throw in a shoe even if I would love to keep it. He encouraged me by saying something like "c'mon, toss the old shoe in!" "mummy does not wear them anymore" or if he recognised me hesitating "old high heels are not for boys and you would twist your ankle trying to walk in them." toss them in or I will do". The hatch of the oven had been always open till only the glowing metal shank of the shoe was left and in an affectional manner my father often joined me in watching the poor shoe burning to death.
After my father's death my mother told me that she was aware of his passion to burn not only her shoes but every discarded high heel he could get from family, friends or neighbours. If questioned she always told that he burnt the old shoes because they would burn great and give good heat. This in consequence had forced the lady's to bring all their sorted out shoes to us because we were the only family with an old style boiler and they thought we would be sort of needy and could not afford coal. My mother was in love with my father her whole life and had arranged herself with his strange behavior as long as she had enough shoes for herself to wear.
I remember my mother asking my father about her shoes she was missing like this:
"have you seen my black patent stiletto sandals?" and he answered something like "oh yes, they are gone" "I found them laying around in the house for a while and thought you would not wear them anymore" my mother pressed her lips together and sad something like "Then I have no shoes to go dancing with you." "we have to visit your sisters shoe shop to buy a new pair" she was smiling at him. I'm even sure that in my parents sexlife high heels had been played a special role because as a child I found stained old Stilettos under their bed which got into the boiler a few days later.
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Re: Did you ever think that you were the only one?

Post by burn2shoes »

I wonder if your father has acquired a fetish in a similar way. There is no doubt that he had the same fetish as us. High heels with stains could testify to playing with shoes that excited him. I would love to show the burning of women's shoes to a boy to give him the pleasure of combustion and agonies of shoes fighting fire.
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Re: Did you ever think that you were the only one?

Post by Fluxade »

No, I would not do that for sure.
I don't like to act towards others in a sadistic way just for my pleasure or sexual arousal and I would fight everyone who try to do so.
My father harmed me severely as he took away my mothers strappy high heel sandals from me just to burn them to ashes under my eyes. The shoes had been my most beloved toys. I don't know exactly why he did this to me but at best it was sort of carelessness.
He didn't recognised my deep desperation as I saw the shoes going up into flames and he even didn't recognised the sudden short circuit deep in my brain which irreversibly canalised the unbearable emotions of distress into sexual arousal. I would rather have my beloved strappy sandals back instead of having this sort of destructive fetish but alas I'm now addicted to the shoe burning and have to repeat the pain watching high heels burn to ashes again and again til end of life. I would do everything to protect children from being harmed as I had suffered.
A few years ago I was visiting a girlfriend of mine who has a little boy.
The little boy has shown me his nursery and I found an old small stiletto high heel shoe sitting on a shelf. My girlfriend recognised my curiosity and told me that her son found the shoe on the pavement as they walked together. She tried to take the shoe away from him but he started to cry loudly. So she let him the worn out shoe back and he cares about it and plays with it. My girlfriend told me that she will throw away the old shoe next time she cleaned his room. I convinced her not to do so because the old high heel shoe is something special for him even if he is a boy and that she could harm him severely by doing so. She agreed and I asked him about the shoe and he had a shine in his eyes as he showed me his treasure and I told him that I really like the old shoe. The little boy had truly a passion for his single high heel shoe but I'm sure he did not have any sort of fetish towards shoes as far no one had harm him severely by destroying or withdrawing his beloved toy until now.
We fetishists know very well what could be the outcome if a little soul is harmed that way we suffered and in my opinion we should have the duty to protect children from that and furthermore dare not to misslead our frustration into sadism towards others.
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Re: Did you ever think that you were the only one?

Post by burn2shoes »

This boy could have had a similar experience as you. If there was a furnace in his house, his mother would definitely burn that shoe. The boy would be in despair because of this and would feel regret and longing mixed with excitement at the same time. It's an experience similar to when you see a very pretty woman, fall in love, miss her, and at the same time you can't be with her. I felt the same way when my neighbor was mercilessly burning women's shoes and digging into the stove with a poker, looking at it and saying that the shoes burned very well. It's hard to write about it, but at the same time I feel excited.
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