Shoe Bonfire (story)

High heels on fire.

Brennende Schuhe und Stiefel.

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Shoe Bonfire (story)

Post by DanskoJoe »

I want to share a story about a shoe fire I had with a couple of friends many years ago. I tried to be as accurate as I could. After all it was nearly forty years ago.

Since I was very young I have had a fetish for different styles of leather shoes. I enjoyed both male and female shoes. Other than masturbating with the shoes, I enjoy burning them. For the longest time I thought I was the only one who found sexual gratification in burning shoes. When I was about twenty-five, I ran into an old friend from highschool. I didn't know back then, but I soon found out that he also enjoyed shoes the way I did. He even had another friend who did. The three of us got together a few times and had shoe masturbation sessions. We discussed the subject of having a shoe bonfire.

Later that year in the fall, we all went to an isolated campsite in the mountains. Each of us had brought some shoes to burn. We had dinner and sat around the campfire for a couple of hours. The wood had burned down to red hot embers. It was time for the shoes to burn. My friend Todd took out a couple of pairs of penny loafers and a pair of brown leather topsiders and placed them all on the hot coals. We all just watched as the shoes started to smoke. I grabbed a pair of leather sandals and began masturbating with them. Todd and my other friend, Greg each took a pair of shoes and followed suit.

We were all masturbating when we noticed that the shoes had begun to slowly curl up. Suddenly flames rapidly ignited all around the shoes as the soles had caught fire. The shoes then curled up faster and flames licked at the leather. The leather began to burn and when they were completely engulfed, Todd added more shoes. He tossed in some women's brown leather boots, some black leather boots, a pair of sandals, and a worn pair of Clark's Wallabees. I took off my pants and began going wild jerking my cock. Todd and Greg did the same. The straps of the sandals began to burn and twist around. The leather shafts of the boots wrinkled and crumpled. Flames began to consume the leather and Todd shot a stream of hot jizz into the fire. I came next, then Greg. After this first round of orgasms, we rested and let the fire die down.

Later that night we burned some more. Todd took out the remaining shoes from his box. They were all women's high heels and sandals. He put them all onto the smouldering remains of the first shoes. It took a while but they eventually began to smoke and a few even began curling up. On one particular pair, the leather became very wrinkly and distorted. Flames then ignited on the one with the wrinkly leather. The flames soon spread out to involve all the shoes. The flames shot up through the tender leather straps of the sandals causing them to flip around and twist. It didn't take long before all of these shoes were consumed.

Greg then opened up his box and took out a bunch of Reeboks and Adidas. He placed all of them onto the hot embers of the previous pile. These soft white leather sneakers caught fire quickly and burned rapidly. The leather wrinkled and crumpled as the shoes curled up. Greg then put a couple of pairs of Clark's Wallabees. They immediately began to curl up and the crepe soles caught fire. The flames licked at the soft leather causing it to distort and crumple. The crepe soles burned wildly and the leather uppers quickly disappeared in the flames.

After the Wallabees burned, Greg took out two pairs of leather and wood clogs. As soon as I saw those clogs, my level of arousal increased threefold. My cock became harder than it had been all night. Clogs are my absolute favorite and seeing some burn is the utmost sexual thrill. I asked Greg for one pair to masturbate with. He handed them to me and placed the other pair in the dying fire. Flames soon reappeared and began working on the wooden soles. The flames grew and began to lick at the leather. The leather uppers began to shrivel and collapse inward. I masturbated frantically as I moaned, “OMG! they're burning!” The leather uppers split open and peeled back against the soles. During this final show from the clogs, I unloaded a massive load of jizz. I needed to recharge my semen store before I could burn the second pair.

The next night it was time to burn my collection of leather footwear. I started off with a pair of women's tan leather boots and a pair of thigh high black leather boots. There was no pre-existing fire to put them on so I had to use some lighter fluid. I squirted some lighter fluid down into one of the tan boots and the leather darkened where the fluid soaked in. I then lit the toe of the boot and we all began to masturbate. The flames burned furiously and the toe of the boot curled up. The shaft folded over and crumpled. The boot was totally consumed by the flames. While the remaining portion of the boot was still burning, I added some wood to the fire.

Once the fire was well established, I began loading it up with the rest of the shoes I had brought. They were mostly boat shoes and sandals, but there was a couple of pairs of boots and a pair of clogs. The shoes immediately began to react to the fire. They curled up and the leather crumpled and shriveled. We were all masturbating as we watched. When the clogs began to burn I started masturbating hard and furiously. Once again I had an intense orgasm. Todd and Greg also came. It was a great experience.
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Re: Shoe Bonfire (story)

Post by Fluxade »

I wish I would have been with you sitting at the fire pit and enjoying all the burning shoes the way you did. Shure I had my own bag filled with flammable heels and sandals.
It could be great to have a exciting game with the shoes to be burnt. Knowing the unique fetish style of every participant it would be great not to bring shoes in my own favorite style but in favorite style of the others. The others would do the same and it would be a surprise for everyone what pair of his favorite shoe style will be burnt.
I see myself begging for a high heel strappy sandal "oh please don't toss that sexy sandal in the fire, please!" "hurry up please! Take the shoe off the flames til it's to late!" "oh no! The tiny patent leather straps start to curl!" "Wait I have to jerk off now!"
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Re: Shoe Bonfire (story)

Post by fetishforlife »

That's a great story. What type of Reeboks were they ?
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Re: Shoe Bonfire (story)

Post by DanskoJoe »

Not sure about the Reebok. They were men's and very soft. They burned great. The adidas were Stan Smiths. Those burned great too. Both curled up wonderfully.

As far as clogs are concerned, they are my favorite shoe style. I love to masturbate with them and burn them. When I set clogs on fire and watch them burn, I go into an uncontrollable sexual rage. Sandals are second on my list. I love to watch the straps burn. It is such a turn on to watch the straps move and twist around. Boots and loafers come three and four in the order.

I think it would be great to have a shoe fire camp out. We could all sit around and masturbate.
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Re: Shoe Bonfire (story)

Post by 001 »

Do you prefer flat strappy sandals or high heeled strappy sandals, or does it not matter as long as they are strappy?

I remember when I was young I had a girlfriend who had some black suede clogs. They were so good to use, then one day in a fit of rage as they were old and tatty she burnt one until it was ashes! Such a rush. The sister clog went into the garbage truck and we watched it get consumed by the dust cart, several passes of the blade crushing it, dragging it up only to be released and tumble down into a filthy liquid soup and then be caught and crushed again. When it finally disappeared into the belly of the beast it had pretty much been soaked and turned to a flattened, torn remnant of its previous self.
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Re: Shoe Bonfire (story)

Post by DanskoJoe »

I prefer flat casual leather sandals. I can get pleasure from watching any sandals burn as long as they are leather.

I really like Sperry Topsiders. The leather is usually always soft and the soles are very flexible. When they burn, the leather reacts wonderfully. It gets all juicy and distorted. They also curl up double. It is a very sexually arousing sight.
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Re: Shoe Bonfire (story)

Post by sneakersfun »

DanskoJoe wrote: Tue Sep 24, 2024 5:19 pm Not sure about the Reebok. They were men's and very soft. They burned great. The adidas were Stan Smiths. Those burned great too. Both curled up wonderfully.

As far as clogs are concerned, they are my favorite shoe style. I love to masturbate with them and burn them. When I set clogs on fire and watch them burn, I go into an uncontrollable sexual rage. Sandals are second on my list. I love to watch the straps burn. It is such a turn on to watch the straps move and twist around. Boots and loafers come three and four in the order.

Your story is interesting!
I've already burned old leather or canvas sneakers. All sneakers burn well. You would have enjoyed burning the old Converse leather sneakers ! The rubber soles heated up nicely and caught fire suddenly and the leather uppers curled up.Image The sneakers were all twisted. The rubber blazed wonderfully and the uppers of the shoes disappeared in the flames. I also have an old pair of reebok tennis shoes and I also want to burn them when possible!

I think it would be great to have a shoe fire camp out. We could all sit around and masturbate.
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