Re Flat tire leads to major score (update 11/11/14)

Any type of shoe abuse. Broken heels, well worn shoes, scuffed shoes, torn shoes, shoes run over by cars, shoes dragged on the ground, crinkled pointy toes, shoes sawed in half, shoes run over by cars, lost shoes, shoe trees, trample, crush, etc. Any other discussion or photos having to do with shoes, boots or other footwear, abused or not, is welcome.

Alle Arten von Schuh-Missbrauch. Abgebrochene Absätze, sehr getragene, abgenutzte, verschlissene, zerissene, überfahrene Schuhe. Schuhe über den Boden gerschliffen, zerknitterte Schuhspitzen, zersägte, plattgetretene, zerquetschte Schuhe, verlorene Schuhe, Schuhbäume etc. Jede andere Diskussion oder Fotos im Zusammenhang mit Schuhen oder Stiefeln oder andere Arten von Schuhen, missbraucht oder nicht, ist willkommen.

Moderators: Heelexploder, josephine, Alexainheels, minni, Cammile, Wetshoegirl, ambershotheels

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Re Flat tire leads to major score (update 11/11/14)

Post by Mike »

So it was Sunday morning I just dropped my wife off at the airport she is going to be out of town for a business seminar until Friday. I really had nothing to do so I went to the office to get a little work done and maybe do some shoe hunting I might get lucky and find a pair sitting under a desk or something. I haven’t done that in a while. The office was closed and I really didn’t expect anyone to be in the office. I pulled in the parking lot and one of my co workers car was there sitting there with a flat tire. This car belongs to a girl Carrie that just came back from maternity leave she was gone for a couple months and just got back on the 1st of the month. She used to dress really sexy and had a pair of heels for just about every outfit she would wear stiletto heel pointy toe pumps, stiletto heel peep toe pumps sexy ass wedges, stiletto heel sandals high heel boots you name it if it was a hot sexy shoe she had it. I get in the office and Carrie is sitting at her desk working. I think I startled her. She asked what I was doing there. I told her I came to get some work done and oh and by the way you have a flat tire. She went outside to look and was almost in tears. She said she doesn’t know how to change a tire and her husband is out of town and didn’t know what to do. I really didn’t want to or come to the office to change a tire but I thought that some day my wife might be in the same situation with a flat tire and no one to change it. So I get out to her car and she’s there waiting for me to change the tire. I told her I need the key to her trunk to get to the jack and spare tire out. I popped open the trunk and about died I got an instant hard on. What do I see in her trunk there were several large bags of her old high heels and about 10 pair or so of her shoes in there original boxes just stuffed in everywhere. There was no more room in the trunk. I gave her a puzzled look and she was a little embarrassed. She said sorry I need to get rid of all of those. I told her we would need to pull some of this stuff out to get to the spare and jack. She grabbed a few of the bags and stacked them a side. I grabbed two of the bags stuffed with her sexy heels and she started to grab the loose boxes and put them aside with the others. I pulled out the spare tire it was a small little mini one and the jack I started to jack the car up and couldn’t keep my eyes off the huge pile of shoes sitting in the middle of the parking lot. I think Carrie caught me looking at them. I couldn’t keep my mind on changing this dam tire I just wanted to score a pair or two of these sexy shoes. I was trying to think of a way I could grab a few of them with out being weird. So I got the old tire off and I noticed Carrie was looking at some of her old shoes that were in the bags. I couldn’t resist I just had to asked her what was up with all her shoes. She said she was sorry that they were in the way that they were her old heels she couldn’t wear anymore since she had her baby her foot got bigger she got a little embarrassed. She said she complained to her husband she didn’t have any shoes that fit anymore since the baby and wanted to buy a couple new pair. He said if nothing fits any more there is no use in keeping any of and to get rid of them and he would buy her let some new shoes. She said she decided to get rid of all her shoes she had before the baby since most of them won’t fit her anymore and are worn out. She said she forgot they were in her car that she cleaned her closet out two weeks ago. I was joking with her and said you really have a shoe fetish what are you going to do with all of them. Carrie joked back and said I never got rid of any of my old shoes this is a first time why do you want them? I don’t think they will fit you but you would look good in my old heels I joked back if they fit I would wear a pair. We both had a good laugh and I got back to changing the tire. I asked again what she was going to do with all her old shoes. Carrie said she was going to give them to her sister in law but she didn’t want them that the heels were to high for her to wear and not her size. Then she said tried to give them to one of the women’s shelters in the area and they refused them. They only wanted new stuff like socks, underwear and slippers or cash not worn out high heels so they have been sitting there for about 2 weeks. I got done changing her tire and was about to put the flat tire and jack back in the trunk. I told Carrie I didn’t think we could get all the bags and boxes back in her trunk. Knowing very well I could if I really tried. She seemed a little worried and said I just can’t leave them here that her car was already full of stuff and a baby seat in the rear seat area. She was really frustrated almost in tears and said if she didn’t know what to do if she could find a big enough garbage bin that she would throw them all in and be done with them she just wanted them out of her car at this point that they were taking up too much room in her car and are becoming a pain. Thinking I would go back later and pull them out of the dumpster I told Carrie if she just wanted to throw them out there was a big dumpster on the other side of the parking lot and I would help her take them over when I was done putting her tire and jack back. She hugged me and said thanks I was a big help to her today. She was still a little sad I asked her what was wrong. She said really didn’t want to throw all her old heels away she might wear some of them again some day. I reminded her about her husband buying her all new shoes that these were old worn and outdated anyway and didn’t fit her. She seemed a little relived and said some of them were only worn once and her wedding heels were even in there and it would be a waste to just throw them in the garbage. I made a comment you tried to give them away and no one wanted them to pull out your wedding shoes and the rest were only old worn out shoes just throw them out once there gone you won’t miss any of them. She laughed and said you sound like my husband. Then out of no where she asked does you wife wear high heels. I would hate to throw all these shoes in the garbage and not of ask you. I wasn’t sure what to say she caught me off guard. She was getting ready to take the bags over to the dumpster and stopped she asked me again before I throw these away. Do you think you wife would want any of them? I thought Carrie was just going to toss them out and I would come back later and pull them out of the dumpster. She just made it easy she was giving them to me with out weird thoughts. I told her I wasn’t sure she would wear them she already had a ton of her own shoes. Carrie said some of them are pretty nice. I said sure I will take them and my wife could go through them and pull out what she wanted and get rid of the rest. Carrie was relieved she said she just couldn’t see throwing all her shoes out. i opened the back of my truck and we started to load the them in when Carrie said that she wished she could wear heels like this again but with the new baby it was impossible she had to do flats and sneakers now. I tossed the last bag in with the others and said not to worry my wife will love all theses shoes they were going to a good home. She said thanks for changing her tire and taking her shoes away and gave me a big hug. She wanted to give me twenty bucks for the trouble. I told her it was not necessary and refused her money. She had no clue how she made my day. Changing the tire really paid off. I really couldn’t believe I had all of Carries old high heels in the back of my truck. We went back in the office and I tried to get some work done but all I could think of were all of Carries sexy shoes were in the back of my truck. I stayed for about another hour so it didn’t look strange and got ready to leave. I told Carrie I was going home now and would see her tomorrow. She thanked me again for changing her tire and said I hope your wife can get some use out of my heels. I thanked her and took off. I couldn’t believe what just happened here were all of Carries high heels she would wear daily to the office and now I have them in the back of my truck. I thought wow all I was going to do was go to work and maybe find a pair under someone’s desk and I hit the mother lode. I finally got home to see what I had scored. I unloaded the all the bags and boxes. I looked in one of the bags and I pulled out a random pair of red well worn Aldo pumps and couldn’t resist I shot my load deep in side it didn’t take long. I remember her wearing this pair to the office a few times. Sorry no photos. It was awesome like having sex for the first time. Here are some photos of my score I still cant believe it. What am I going to do with all these shoes now? I really can’t keep them around long maybe a few pair but not all of them before it becomes a problem. They need to be gone by Friday before the wife gets home. Any suggestions??? Cut them up to peices with a saw or slash them with a blade splash dirty motor oil over them let me know
Last edited by Mike on Tue Nov 11, 2014 6:21 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Flat tire leads to major score

Post by Lazlo »

What is wrong with this womans husband? If he were any sort of real man he would have had fun trashing them on his wifes feet since they needed to be gotten rid of.

It looks like she had very good taste. Love all the pointy toes in there. those black patent Charles Davids were expensive. What size are they all? Are you still taking orders for destruction?
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Re: Flat tire leads to major score

Post by destroyingsexyshoes »

burn them, drive over them, smash them with a hammer. sell some to members on this forum. heck I would be interested in a few if they were cheap enough an destroy them myself.
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Re: Flat tire leads to major score

Post by Lazlo »

I would love to also see what is hiding in all those boxes. Bebe makes some sexy stuff and Nine Wests are always fun.
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Re: Flat tire leads to major score

Post by twiggy »

Any boots??? I love boots, maybe we can work something out for virgin boots?
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Re: Flat tire leads to major score

Post by stiletto101 »

Amazing luck! Looks like she had great taste in sexy heels. What size are they?
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Re: Flat tire leads to major score

Post by surgif »


if this is a true story (and the pix below underline this) you are the most lucky bastard in the world!!!

I can't believe as I read your story until your added pix. :shock: :shock: :shock:

I suggest don't be in a hurry with this treasure!
If you have some save storage go for this and then you have some great time one by one.
Take your time to sort the sexy heels and do some pix here for us. :-)

My favourite stuff to play is still: paint
You can also do a long time project like a shoe tree
Or at least sell some of them by e-Bay.

Once again: you are a lucky bastard! Congratulations to a fantastic flat tire help and a big reward for it. :D :D :D
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