Rotten Heels

Any type of shoe abuse. Broken heels, well worn shoes, scuffed shoes, torn shoes, shoes run over by cars, shoes dragged on the ground, crinkled pointy toes, shoes sawed in half, shoes run over by cars, lost shoes, shoe trees, trample, crush, etc. Any other discussion or photos having to do with shoes, boots or other footwear, abused or not, is welcome.

Alle Arten von Schuh-Missbrauch. Abgebrochene Absätze, sehr getragene, abgenutzte, verschlissene, zerissene, überfahrene Schuhe. Schuhe über den Boden gerschliffen, zerknitterte Schuhspitzen, zersägte, plattgetretene, zerquetschte Schuhe, verlorene Schuhe, Schuhbäume etc. Jede andere Diskussion oder Fotos im Zusammenhang mit Schuhen oder Stiefeln oder andere Arten von Schuhen, missbraucht oder nicht, ist willkommen.

Moderators: Heelexploder, josephine, Alexainheels, minni, Cammile, Wetshoegirl, ambershotheels

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Rotten Heels

Post by Fluxade »

Found a nice rotten Heel in the woods beside a tree. After a desperate search, i found the second one hanging in the tree.
The one from the tree is in fairly better shape as the one from the ground. As you can see, the shank is nearly rotten free from the shoe. I think they are both death :( .
But i could not leave them ourside. I?m not that stone-hearted :twisted: So i rescued both :lol:
So, I have them home and they do not stop rotting. I found some tiny insects inside, which are bussy to eat the shoe.
The place i found the shoes is often visited by whores which do their job in cars. May be the heels had been part of their working cloth.
OK, that kind of shoes are not the sexiest ones but I do not find often abandoned shoes in landscape. And these heels are realy a finding.
I wonder why someone hung them in the tree and how long they had been there. I will ask my girlfriend if she could wear them for a last time.
Any suggestions how to go on with that wrecked heels?

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Post by Thys »

I don't think the decay would be very spectacular. What I think is that the shoes are made of man-made materials. They don't perish like real leather does. Nice find though.

Feel free to do what you want to do.
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Post by heelburner1( »

maybe the man did get hot when he throw the shoes from the whore out of the car window while he have sex with her. and than he can see how she go barefeet away. for money did a whore nearly all.
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Post by chunky heeled shoe lover »

these shoes are stunning!!!
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Post by Fluxade »

Just a little update.
I have baked the shoes for 30 minutes at 100?C in the oven to stop the work of the tiny insects inside the shoes :evil:
In order to kill bacteria and filamentous fungi, the shoes have been soaked with benzalconiumcloride after the heat treatment.
They stink like rotten leaves now.
Sure, the shoes are man made but they consist at least to 30 percent of cardboard and thus they will die by rotting.
Now I stopped the process of decomposition :)
I find it very sexy to rescue the wrecks.
How do you feel?

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Re: Rotten Heels

Post by surgif »


where do you find the shoes ???

Well from time to time I put some ol goodies there and there in good old Germany. :) :) It?s just in hope that some freshman (-girl) find them and think about what happened and get motivated to do the same.

I believe if more see what you can do with heels, more get infectet by it .... :twisted:

So maybe these is a pair that I added to the world ?!

I like also the idea of shoe trees of the US-States! It?s something we don?t know here! But unfortunally each time I prepared an old tree with the first pair someone ripped them off. :evil:

What do you think ???


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Re: Rotten Heels

Post by surgif »

BTW: Fluxade great job !!!!!

Keep them warm and dry !!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :wink: :twisted: :twisted:


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