I didn't do it!

Any type of shoe abuse. Broken heels, well worn shoes, scuffed shoes, torn shoes, shoes run over by cars, shoes dragged on the ground, crinkled pointy toes, shoes sawed in half, shoes run over by cars, lost shoes, shoe trees, trample, crush, etc. Any other discussion or photos having to do with shoes, boots or other footwear, abused or not, is welcome.

Alle Arten von Schuh-Missbrauch. Abgebrochene Absätze, sehr getragene, abgenutzte, verschlissene, zerissene, überfahrene Schuhe. Schuhe über den Boden gerschliffen, zerknitterte Schuhspitzen, zersägte, plattgetretene, zerquetschte Schuhe, verlorene Schuhe, Schuhbäume etc. Jede andere Diskussion oder Fotos im Zusammenhang mit Schuhen oder Stiefeln oder andere Arten von Schuhen, missbraucht oder nicht, ist willkommen.

Moderators: Heelexploder, josephine, Alexainheels, minni, Cammile, Wetshoegirl, ambershotheels

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Joined: Sat Apr 29, 2006 12:12 pm

Post by K »

Clearly it was left there on purpose, since both shoes were run over by at least one set of train wheels. I did think it was odd that they were bent over backwards then I realized that someone must have delibrately wrecked them.
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Joined: Sat Feb 04, 2006 9:13 am

Post by Thys »

I think they were bend by sunlight. Just the thing that happens when you throw shoes in the fire. The toes bend backwards. Result from heat. From what I see is that these shoes might have been laying there for quite some time.
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