Two pairs of sexy heels

Any type of shoe abuse. Broken heels, well worn shoes, scuffed shoes, torn shoes, shoes run over by cars, shoes dragged on the ground, crinkled pointy toes, shoes sawed in half, shoes run over by cars, lost shoes, shoe trees, trample, crush, etc. Any other discussion or photos having to do with shoes, boots or other footwear, abused or not, is welcome.

Alle Arten von Schuh-Missbrauch. Abgebrochene Absätze, sehr getragene, abgenutzte, verschlissene, zerissene, überfahrene Schuhe. Schuhe über den Boden gerschliffen, zerknitterte Schuhspitzen, zersägte, plattgetretene, zerquetschte Schuhe, verlorene Schuhe, Schuhbäume etc. Jede andere Diskussion oder Fotos im Zusammenhang mit Schuhen oder Stiefeln oder andere Arten von Schuhen, missbraucht oder nicht, ist willkommen.

Moderators: Heelexploder, josephine, Alexainheels, minni, Cammile, Wetshoegirl, ambershotheels

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Two pairs of sexy heels

Post by H »

the ingredients: two new sexy pairs of heels

Ad two gallons of sticky syrup, and carefully mix


And now the purple heels


Oh what a sweet sticky mess, and who's going to clean it up


any volunteers

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Post by chris »

burn them........
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Post by olivio »

really nice and sweet feeds, shoes, pantyhose and action. I would be a dream to lick now this feeds. Then burning all together with the pantyhose
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Burn them

Post by rigilover »

Burn them.

:twisted: Is very clean idea :idea:
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two pairs of sexy heels

Post by frescurasecca »

Clean them in the water before burning, better if wearing them :!: :!: :!:
Very nice post, tks :D
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Post by Me&MessySophie »

well done those purple heels are great hope you do more messy stuff with them before burning them

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Post by pumpfanatic »

I would take them out of the syrup and put a couple scoops of ice cream in each before stepping back in... then wear them around before taking a long bubble bath wearing each pair of those damn-gorgeous pumps!

Great photos, stunning new pumps, a great idea in the syrup... thank you for this incredible set!!! :D
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