Never bet with Mudcole...(manolo blahnik)..

Boots and shoes getting wet, muddy or messy in various ways. Ladies, want to show off your beautiful shoes? Nowhere in the world will they be appreciated more! Registering will enable many helpful features, and its free.

Stiefel und Schuhe werden auf unterschiedliche Art und Weise nass, matschig und schmutzig gemacht. Ladies, möchtet ihr eure schönen Schuhe zeigen? Nirgendwo auf der Welt werden sie mehr geschätzt als hier. Registriert euch kostenlos und aktiviert viele hilfreiche Funktionen.

Moderators: Heelexploder, josephine, Alexainheels, minni, Cammile, Wetshoegirl, ambershotheels

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Re: Never bet with Mudcole...

Post by Gucci24 »

These Heels Are not for Burning or Abusing if you will see it you have to fall of you Knees and kiss them! thats the right way for these absolutely Awsome Heels!
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Re: Never bet with Mudcole...

Post by josephine »

Indeed, these heels have been naughty but they deserve to party a hell of a lot more!!

They are dry clean and safely back in their protector bags awaiting their next evening out dancing!

They are so preety, still can't beleive I did it!

'It doesn't matter what you are wearing-If you have good shoes and a good bag, you'll look right.'

Tamara Yeardye-President of Jimmy Choo.
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Re: Never bet with Mudcole...(manolo blahnik)..

Post by pakkrat2001 »

if you look very closely at the last picture there is a tiny drop of water left on the toe of that beautiful shiny shoe. Can't you just hear the average Manolo wearer. "Oh No my beautiful new shoe, it's all wet and just ruined :!: " :lol: You're such a brave soul Josephine.
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Re: Never bet with Mudcole...(manolo blahnik)..

Post by heelburner1( »

mmmm i love it. the thing with the bet is one of the sexyies things. a girl must do something with her lovley shoes while she lost a bet. i had once the chance to cook 2 pairs of sexy high heels in boiling water because the girls have lost the bet.
this was one of my best things i have done with shoes.
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Re: Never bet with Mudcole...(manolo blahnik)..

Post by heelburner1( »

when you stepped in, did mc not become a hard cocK. mine would be steelhard when i see you doing this.
carrie roberts 28
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Re: Never bet with Mudcole...(manolo blahnik)..

Post by carrie roberts 28 »

I am am glad to see there is a limit of what shoes not to burn nor cut. :) There is hope. :wink: 8)
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Re: Never bet with Mudcole...(manolo blahnik)..

Post by Wetshoe »

looks like the perfect mud consistency for those very sexy shoes.
i think you should put those shoes on and have dinner and drinks with mudcole much more often.
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