Happy and horny new year 2012!

Any type of shoe abuse. Broken heels, well worn shoes, scuffed shoes, torn shoes, shoes run over by cars, shoes dragged on the ground, crinkled pointy toes, shoes sawed in half, shoes run over by cars, lost shoes, shoe trees, trample, crush, etc. Any other discussion or photos having to do with shoes, boots or other footwear, abused or not, is welcome.

Alle Arten von Schuh-Missbrauch. Abgebrochene Absätze, sehr getragene, abgenutzte, verschlissene, zerissene, überfahrene Schuhe. Schuhe über den Boden gerschliffen, zerknitterte Schuhspitzen, zersägte, plattgetretene, zerquetschte Schuhe, verlorene Schuhe, Schuhbäume etc. Jede andere Diskussion oder Fotos im Zusammenhang mit Schuhen oder Stiefeln oder andere Arten von Schuhen, missbraucht oder nicht, ist willkommen.

Moderators: Heelexploder, josephine, Alexainheels, minni, Cammile, Wetshoegirl, ambershotheels

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Joined: Sun Nov 11, 2007 8:22 am
Location: Germany, near Darmstadt

Re: Happy and horny new year 2012!

Post by Jan66 »

Set in fire again. :twisted:
Oops: Little oil pollution on the Rhine.
Oops: Little oil pollution on the Rhine.
fire on the water
fire on the water
"Rhein in Flammen" Haha!
"Rhein in Flammen" Haha!
Marina06 048.jpg
romantic Rhine
romantic Rhine
Marina06 050.jpg
burned dark
burned dark
Marina06 052.jpg
to be continued

Greetings Jan66
Wornout shoes - and every day could be the last one!
Posts: 7
Joined: Sun Nov 11, 2007 8:22 am
Location: Germany, near Darmstadt

Re: Happy and horny new year 2012!

Post by Jan66 »

Boom bang! - the last fight of Marina's boot. :mrgreen:
Marina06 054.jpg
The fire did the rest!
The fire did the rest!
Marina06 056.jpg
"Transformation" of a boot to fire and smoke!
"Transformation" of a boot to fire and smoke!
little boot-fire in the old "Father Rhine"
little boot-fire in the old "Father Rhine"
transformed to ashes
transformed to ashes
burned into half
burned into half
Marina06 061.jpg
Marina06 062.jpg
to be continued

Greetings Jan66
Wornout shoes - and every day could be the last one!
Posts: 7
Joined: Sun Nov 11, 2007 8:22 am
Location: Germany, near Darmstadt

Re: Happy and horny new year 2012!

Post by Jan66 »

Marinas boot was still burning, but the end was near:
No chance of setting a forest into fire! Safer burning on the water!
No chance of setting a forest into fire! Safer burning on the water!
the heel began to collapse a bit
the heel began to collapse a bit
burning out
burning out
the last flame
the last flame
smoke on the water
smoke on the water
burned out
burned out
it's over
it's over
"mission accomplished"??
"mission accomplished"??
The boot was "dead", but it was not the last view from the ruined boot. :wink:

I hope, you enjoy the boot-burning action on the water of a river.

Greetings Jan66
Wornout shoes - and every day could be the last one!
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Joined: Wed Sep 14, 2005 9:26 pm

Re: Happy and horny new year 2012!

Post by 4Boot »

nice !
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Re: Happy and horny new year 2012!

Post by Thys »

Boots usually come in pairs of two. Where is the other?
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Re: Happy and horny new year 2012!

Post by philou »

hello , magnifique , comme d habitude, :wink: jan !
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Re: Happy and horny new year 2012!

Post by erv2u »

Great pictures Thanks
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